New wordpress plugin, UnShorte…

New wordpress plugin, UnShorten, to un-shorten urls from, etc on your blog

Looking out over the sunny Por…

Looking out over the sunny Portstewart strand – this is what half term is for!

heresy – what a fantastic @art…

heresy – what a fantastic @artwiculate word of the day for sunday!

packing my bags…

packing my bags…

Casetteboy vs Nick Griffin – l…

Casetteboy vs Nick Griffin – lols at remix of #bbcqt and nasty fascist

celebrating my Grandparent’s 6…

celebrating my Grandparent’s 60th wedding anniversary with my family

the feature I most want to see…

the feature I most want to see in @brizzly is link shortening – integrate that and I won’t need any other twitter client!

Loving the stylophone sounds o…

Loving the stylophone sounds of Brett Domino

listened to Grand Master Flash…

listened to Grand Master Flash – The Revolution will not be Televised – on Radio1. Old. Skool.

Just nominated Artwiculate for…

Just nominated Artwiculate for Best Twitter App #openwebawards