Thanks to a gwibber-fail, I ma…

Thanks to a gwibber-fail, I may have tweeted one of my passwords. +1 if you can find it. +5 for what it is for. +20 for what it means.

I’m wearing purple today but I…

I’m wearing purple today but I wonder if the other teachers or my classes will know why. #takeitback

The letter arrived today – it’…

The letter arrived today – it’s official now!

First English strawberries of …

First English strawberries of 2010 – yum!

seems like I got in!

seems like I got in!

RT @RabbiRogers: #ff @jesus

RT @RabbiRogers: #ff @jesus

Somehow “satisfactory progress…

Somehow “satisfactory progress” doesn’t seem fair for the blood, sweat and tears we’ve put in

I find a chocolate biscuit, pi…

I find a chocolate biscuit, pick it up to ask whose it is and the door opens. Ms Ofsted, welcome…

Dear Ofsted. Thanks for saying…

Dear Ofsted. Thanks for saying you’ll come to my birthday party on thursday. Please bring cake.

Two parties won 65% of the vot…

Two parties won 65% of the vote but got 87% of the seats in parliament – how is that fair? #takeitback